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Social Devience_Breaking Social Norms part 1

Social Devience_Breaking Social Norms part 1

Q Breaking the Social Norm (Part 1)—Proposal **After you submit this proposal, you must receive WRITTEN permission/approval from Kristin Kerrigan or you will receive no credit for this assignment. Even if you submit the final analysis at the end of the semester, if you have not obtained written permission for this proposal, then you will not receive any credit AT ALL for this project. Due Date: September 16, 2019 Value: 50 points Submission Criteria: Please submit this assignment through safe assignment. Check the assignment tab and look for the BSN Part I checkmark. Criteria: A. Guidelines: 1. You must be able to commit the deviant activity at least three times, preferably four times. 2. You are not able to commit acts that fall into any of these four categories: a. Immoral- Yes, this is a subjective judgment, but it is also the type of risk-attracting behavior that has been known as a common precursor to financial ruin and violent deaths. And that would be tough for me to explain to the Dean of Arts and Sciences. No, you cannot have an affair and use this course as an attempt to justify it. I did once have an online student who asked if she could "romance" her online "penpal," despite the fact that she had told me she was already married. No, ruin your family at your own peril, on your own time, and do not tell me about it, please. b. Unethical- This also includes Criminal acts. No shoplifting, no illicit drugs, no overt lying, no cheating. No sexual harassment. I believe you have the picture. c. Unsafe- No, you cannot drive 35 mph in a 60 mph zone. I would not flip off, or "give the bird" to any police officers either. And I REALLY wouldn't say anything bad about their mothers, or otherwise call into question any aspect of their parentage. No unsafe behaviors will be allowed that might in some way jeopardize your life, the lives of others, your job, or your family life. d. Sexual- Not that anyone has ever submitted a BSN project of that nature…Call me a prude, but this is an aspect of your lives about which I wish to remain completely ignorant. This is one area of deviance that is off-limits for this particular project in human behavior and experience. 3. Your project idea must be approved prior to conducting this behavior. You must have received written confirmation from Kristin Kerrigan prior to committing the action described in your submission. Also, you are not allowed to change the type of BSN project activity without first consulting with Kristin Kerrigan and having written consent from her about this change. If you do not have written consent from instructor approving your BSN project behavior, then you will not receive any credit for this project. Failure to complete this project will result in failing this course in its entirety. 4. Your BSN project can be done in your workplace, your home, on the road, on vacation, at play, in any room in your house. 5. Remember: You are NOT to tell any observers (audience members) that you are doing this activity as a course assignment. If asked by someone why you are acting this way, then you may play dumb or answer that you wanted a change, or change the subject to another topic, or somehow divert attention from yourself at that moment. For example: You are going to have a flatulence (passing wind) problem on an elevator with other folks. After the air is expelled, if people near you begin to move away toward the corners, then move yourself toward a corner also. Or respond, "Oh, this is horrible, isn't it?" We are not telling others in order to be dishonest, but so that they will not discount your behavior. You will keep your observers or audience in the dark about your motivations to act differently than you normally would. B. Project Narrative: 1. Your submission proposal should be 2-3 paragraphs in length and should contain the following information: a. the type of deviant activity you are proposing to commit b. explanation of why this behavior would break a social folkway or social norm--why is this folkway or norm important in our society? c. the type of audience (observers) that you would expect in the location where you will be conducting this behavior--would these folks be family members, co-workers, strangers, acquaintances? d. the location where you expect to be conducting this behavior e. any reactions you would expect from audience members f. any sanctions or punishments that might result from your committing this type of activity g. how many times you plan to commit this behavior (remember, it must be at least three or more times)

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The guidelines say that a student can commit socially deviant activity nearly four times. But in my insight I would say that the socially deviant activity. But my question always stands that the deviant activity which proves that it was a better option than following rules, that will be a desirable activity instead. Immoral activities are definitely deviant and they cannot be justified in any respect. It is impossible to say that having an affair is good when the person is already married.